Doujinshi | Manga | English | Japanese | Huge Breasts Hentai | Chinese | Full Color

#306878 - mary’s daddy loves lightening in peach jars white and cold her mommy plays dice and spinning wheels feeling young while looking old mary’s brother died last august on a smoked filled rocky plain her sister gobbles crispy creams like losers swallow pain mary dances all alone turns heads and feeds desire the spotlight cloakes what she does not her flesh volcanic fire mary’s world those glistening eyes and words that have no sound lust filled minds her breath of life their need her lost and found chairs upturned lights are gone no whistles shouts or moans the sun is up sweet mary down adrift and far from home.

Read Venezuela Seikouhou - Original Shot Seikouhou

Most commented on Venezuela Seikouhou - Original Shot

Fumio murakami
Go devils
Fuck yes
Female protagonist
You are the best girl